The Peacemaker

“Blessed are those who are peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

The Peacemaker | Pillar #7

Let’s review and finish building Wisdom’s House.

A Better Way

“In 6th grade (1968) I wanted to be cool. At my school, that meant fighting with other boys. I remember my first (and last) fight because I got punched in the face. It hurt. From then on I decided there must be a better way. That’s when I became a “hippie” and started wearing a leather peace symbol around my neck.” ~Scott

In business you need to learn how to be the peacemaker. This is the final pillar in the House of Wisdom. Opposing sides come together in a spirit of cooperation, yet still allow friendly competition.

If you need to be right about everything, or better than everyone else around you, it will drive people away. The last thing you need is to make enemies. You already have more than you want because of Christ in you.

How To Be The Peacemaker

You are a peacemaker because God embraced you… now you can embrace others. You were an enemy of God, but He reached out to you with loving kindness when He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to make peace between God and man.

The only way Jesus could do this was to offer himself as the final sacrifice for sin; past, present and future. His sacrifice on the cross satisfied God’s wrath and demand for justice.

Jesus became the peacemaker… “The Prince of Peace”!

When you put your faith in His finished work and exchange your old life for HIs new life, He becomes your peace. He takes up residence within you. Christ, the peacemaker is now your life… he knows how to make peace, even with enemies. You are blessed.

Create An Environment Others Want To Be Part Of

Who has God called you to serve? Your spouse, your children, your employees, your employer, your customers and clients?

Create a space that fosters peace among those you serve, a space where these people want to be.

Sometimes this means forgiveness. Sometimes it means setting boundaries. Every time it means communicating.

In the business world, it’s easy to have performance based attitudes where production and results are what matter most. This can drown out good communicationt, and the risk of burnout, turnover of staff, in-fighting, and loss of customers will increase.

Have a built in system for the appropriate communication to take place. This might mean a newsletter for your customers and weekly meetings for your team. Encourage open communication and be one of the peacemakers… a son or daughter of God.

Did you miss the “7 Pillars of Wisdom’s House” video in the first post of this Wisdom series?

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