Endtime Ministries and The Marketplace

Do you want to be part of what God is doing through endtime ministries?

Watch this short video to see if you connect with this way of fulfilling the Great Commission…


Welcome To Your Mission Field

There is a return to the biblical mandate to go make disciples of all nations. Believers who are not called to full time vocational ministry are waking up to their opportunity to be engaged in Jesus’ Great Commission through the workplace.

Paul was a tent maker, Lydia a retailer, and Jesus ministered in the marketplaces giving us their examples to follow.

God is re-awakening His Church to the original endtime ministries strategy that even the apostle Paul used.

Called To Be An EntreEvangelist?

√ You most likely will not enroll in seminary or bible school…
√ You will build a business through the home marketplace that God uses to reach the nations.
√ You will go into the marketplace… the heart of where people live and work.

This is what we’ve done through a unique business model called Networking. This model closely follows how Jesus chose to build His Church. He invested in a few and His kingdom multiplied through them. They shared stories of hope and how Jesus transformed their lives.

Just like the disciples of Christ, network builders are empowered to succeed. They learn how to build a distribution network that can be used to influence others through opportunities to serve and share hope.

But few ever learn what works and what does’t, so most never reach the full potential of building a large network. This is a reason some people are afraid to get involved in opportunities they hear about. If they are left to figure things out on their own, well… they’ve been there before with no success.

Learn more about why people don’t see success and see one way we discovered it here.

Marketplace Ministry

What is Marketplace Ministry? Simply put, it is when God marries your life purpose to your vocation.

Watch this short 60 second video that will give you insight into this movement of God.

Ask Questions

Your purpose is to glorify God as an ambassador of Christ through the work you do.

The work you do is a reflection of the dreams and desires God has put in your heart as you pursue them for His glory.

We know this is a huge reason you are looking for Christian business opportunities. Yes you need income… so did Paul. But you also need to be a Kingdom builder and be thrust into the world as a polished arrow in the Lord’s quiver.

Got business questions? We’re happy to give you our take on things based on 20+ years of marketplace ministry experience.

In the World For a Purpose

Jesus prayed in John 17…

“I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.”

Is God calling you to get out of the paycheck to paycheck mentality? We call it the slave mentality… being controlled by a master called money.

Read this personal finance article and watch Money Is Power to begin the transformation you need so money begins to serve you.

1 Corinthians 7:21 says,

“Are you a slave? Don’t let that worry you- but if you get a chance to be free, take it.”

Things will not change for those who settle for the status quo. It’s time take action. It’s time to walk in the Spirit… with an entrepreneurial attitude that is willing to “Go For It”!

Forget about Christian jobs. Think about helping others be successful. You can literally bless the nations just as Abraham did.

Endtime ministries that preach that we need to hunker down and huddle together… to wait out the increasing evil in our world until Jesus returns… are preaching a gospel not found in scripture.

The Kingdom of God is Growing

You are called to be Salt and Light in the world. To make a difference… not take a difference. You will find the marketplace an exciting ministry frontier. You will see the power of God working through you… just like you read about in the Bible.

You will connect with like minded believers who are neither afraid nor ignorant of the devil and his schemes because they have a fear of the Lord. You will be more than a conqueror… rising up like famous entrepreneurs; our modern day kings.

We are ready to walk with you. We remember what it was like when we realized God had called us to business. He gave us new vision for endtime ministries… a vision of hope and victory instead of doom and gloom.

Find out what cbo home business ideas offers with thousands around the world who are part of this growing movement.

Take Your First Step Today

You can subscribe to our free devotional Salt & Light. It is for anyone who is awakening to the endtime ministries strategy for harvesting the lost. We deliver biblical marketplace ministry insights right to your email inbox every week.

Subscribe Today to Salt & Light

» Endtime Ministries and Marketplace Ministry


