Righteousness: God Favors You!?


“The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, if it is found in the way of righteousness.” (Proverbs 16:31)

As you can see, Scott has a huge crown of glory!

Seriously, it was only by God’s mercy and grace that he came into God’s Kingdom in 1979, his senior year in college. Click here to see our testimonies.

Let’s review and keep building Wisdom’s House.

Pillar #4: Righteousness

What is righteousness?

Righteousness is right standing with God, a relationship that is based on justice and equality.

Righteousness is made possible only by faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, but without works is there a real relationship with God?

Who does the work? Jesus. He alone makes it possible for you to be made right. Your part is to trust (put your faith) in His work. Your labor is to enter into His rest by faith. (Hebrews 4:11)


It begins with seeking God. “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)

What things?

All the things many folks worry about and toil for. It’s easy to depend on your own works rather than God, especially when it comes to your vocation. This can keep you from seeing your business as a ministry where the power of God is literally- at work! (pun intended)


You cannot have intimate relationship with someone you do not love. You cannot love someone you do not know; therefore, you move from seeking God to knowing God.

You can only live out your faith to the degree which you know God. If you see God as an angry God, you will seek to appease Him. A life of “faith” becomes all about what you can do for God.

You must get to know God as a good God, a Father who only has your best interests in mind. You must know God as One who favors you, wants to bless you and be with you… always. It’s really all about what God has done for you!


It’s like dating. Did you marry the 1st person you dated after the 1st date? Why not? It took getting to know each other before you decided whether or not to go the next step… a lifelong commitment to one another.

The word love is the pivotal word in the Bible. Whatever or whomever you love will motivate you. Who is the God that you love? God will never be real to you until you have a healthy visual concept of Him as He really is. God is Good. Period.

When your primary motive in business comes from righteousness… true success will follow. God will provide what you need in abundance and your work will glorify Him as His power manifests in your life.

Next week we’ll add the 5th pillar.

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