Are You Ready For His Return?

ready for his return

“… and Jesus said to them, ‘Do business till I come.” (Luke 19:13)

Ready For His Return

Jesus wants His followers to have the right focus while waiting expectantly for His return, so He shares a parable in Luke 19 about taking risk.

This story clearly communicates that we are to “do business till He comes”. Our focus is a willingness to risk using what we have so the Lord can multiply it.

Nowhere in the parable is there an instruction to focus on “end-time signs” that every generation fixates on. Rather we are to focus on what the Lord give us to steward in the present.

Are you being a wise steward?

Use What You Have

Laurie and I had no cash and not enough income to live on. But we had good credit.

We used the credit we had, borrowed $5,000, and invested in a business. We also took the time to find the best deal and had 0% interest for six months.

So far our investment has produced well over half a million dollars. That’s a hundred fold return.

In addition, souls have been saved and lives have been changed.

Be Faithful

You are to be about your Father’s business… for the Kingdom’s sake.

  • Are you investing your energy, time and money in ways that are multiplying?
  • Is your transformed life resulting in other transformed lives?

Jesus taught three things through this story to help you be faithful with what you have been given.

  1. Don’t worry about others… even those who hate you. You are not their judge. In fact, leave room for compassion. You never know how they fit into God’s plan, but you can be sure they do… for good.
  2. Don’t worry about your circumstances… even when hard pressed. Figure out how to make the best of them, especially in your attitude. It’s the deal maker or breaker.
  3. Don’t worry about failing… in this parable no one who took risks to invest ever lost. They all gained. Only those who failed to invest lost what they were given.

Do not fear
risking failure,
fear failing
to risk.

Take what has been given to you, risk it wisely and let God multiply it.

The business we invested in, is the same opportunity we invite you to learn more about today. Only it’s better than it was when we started.

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