Thanksgiving Pilgrim History

thanksgiving pilgrim

“Instead you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God’s promises because of their faith and patience.” (Hebrews 6:12)

Who Was The Thanksgiving Pilgrim?

The Thanksgiving Pilgrim story is a great example of faith and patience; vision and sacrifice.

These “pilgrim” Christians, also known as Separatists were seeking a way to experience the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

They wanted the four freedoms pictured above as illustrated by Norman Rockwell… freedom from want, freedom to worship, freedom from fear, and freedom of speech.

The Refugee Years

In the background of the cover photo on ourĀ Facebook Profile is the historic Hooglandsekerk in The Netherlands.

Right across the street is the home of the Leiden American Pilgrim Museum – located in a medieval structure that could have been home to some of the Separatists.

The Separatists fled from England in 1609 and later sailed to Cape Cod on the Mayflower in 1620.

They were called “Separatists” because they separated from the state Anglican Church of England. They had faith from the Word of God and a conviction to put that faith into action.

Persecuted and imprisoned, they sought refuge in Holland. For a decade they patiently made plans to start a new colony in Virginia. The task was daunting.

William Bradford wrote in his journal, “The dangers were great, but not desperate; the difficulties were many, but not invincible… their ends were good & honorable… and therefore they might expect the blessing of God.”

Overcoming Faith

By faith they purchased a ship called the Speedwell, but it leaked too much to make the journey across the Atlantic along with the Mayflower.

They turned back and left some behind. They set out again on September 16, 1620 with 102 on board. They missed Virginia and made shore at Cape Cod in November.

Finding a better place to winter across the bay in Plymouth, they still lost half their number to starvation and disease. Yet none made the return trip to England on the Mayflower the following spring.

They persevered. They put their trust in the Lord. God’s grace had brought abundance to the colony. One year later the survivors had a three day feast that became our Thanksgiving Pilgrim tradition.

Today’s Thanksgiving Holiday

Modern Thanksgiving was first officially called for in all states in 1863 by a presidential proclamation of Abraham Lincoln.

You too can expect the blessing of God as you live out your faith through the work you do. Not because of your work alone, but because of God’s grace activated through faith in action.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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