Building Wealth Biblically

#1 Check Your Heart Motives

building wealthBuilding wealth with eternal value is a matter of knowing what’s in your heart.

Jesus was very clear that you cannot serve God and money.

This is different than many Christian jobs.

Your opportunity to serve God and others will be through your business.

It begins with your commitment to godly character and integrity because the love of God is motivating you and the Spirit of God is leading you.

#2 Change Your Thinking

There is nothing wrong with creating wealth.

What do you think when you look at the gold dollar sign? Do you see the ways and means to expand God’s Kingdom on earth and more opportunity to make disciples of all nations?

Maybe you’re turned off. Does building wealth not seem spiritual enough for you? Then you need to change your thinking.

Christian business opportunities is not about worshiping mammon… it’s about serving the Lord by letting money serve you.

#3 Multiply Your Energy

Most people trade hours for dollars. Is this how you derive your main source of income? When you want more income you work more hours.

Your time is limited so your income is limited and when you stop working you stop getting paid.

In addition, the more you work the less time you have for your family, your church, or things you are passionate about.

Ever wish you had more time to study the Bible, pray or spend time in God’s Presence?

You must find ways to multiply your energy… your time, effort and money by learning how to become an entrepreneur.

People who build wealth understand this. The servants whose master entrusted them with money to invest understood this… except for the one unprofitable servant (Matthew 25).

#4 Build For Your Future

Here’s a good definition of insanity. Keep doing the same thing you’ve been doing and expect different results.

You need to stop working for money and learn to let money work for you. One way to do this is to begin investigating home business ideas.

It’s like renting your home versus owning your own home. Rent increases someone else’s net worth. A house payment increases your net worth.

You want to invest in your own business… not build someone else’s.

Wealth is not just more money, it’s more life… abundant life free from worry, fear, and stress. It is attractive to others and God can use your ability to handle money God’s way to build His Kingdom.

#5 Take Advantage of Tax Savings

Only business owners are able to take advantage of the many tax laws that favor Christian based businesses.

You’ll discover great tax saving strategies starting your own business. You can use these savings to re-invest back into your business and the Kingdom of God.

This goes way beyond tithing. It’s multiplying you efforts.

Business questions? Click the link to ask your questions. We will share any wisdom we may have with you.

» Building Wealth Biblically