Kelly Clark Olympian & Ambassador

kelly clark

“Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men.” (Ephesians 6:7)

Meet Kelly Clark

KELLY CLARK is easily the winningest in halfpipe history, male or female, with 70 wins in competition. Kelly Clark’s meteoric rise established a legacy, and expectations of greatness that only she can top.

Kelly scooped a mind-blowing 23 podiums before she was even a legal adult. Since then, she’s added over 10 X Games medals, 9 of them Gold.

She is a four time Winter Olympian with Olympic Gold in Salt Lake and Bronze in 2010 and 2014. Kelly has kept her foot right on the gas pedal and is not slowing down anytime soon.

Kelly had achieved everything that was in her heart to do at eighteen years old.

The Biggest Victory

Still, she felt empty. At an event in 2005 she witnessed another boarder console a competitor who had just failed to qualify by telling her, “It’s all right. God still loves you.”

With a Gideon Bible from her hotel room, she reached out to the other athlete for answers and eventually became a Christian. In her own words,

“That was a huge shifting point for me where my snowboarding became this amazing expression and fun thing, rather than this thing that I had to do. It became this thing that I was made to do and I could actually enjoy, and there was so much freedom in it because I wasn’t doing it to prove to people who I was.”

“Through my relationship with God I learned who I was, and was comfortable in who I was. But I’ll tell you, I’ve never had more fun snowboarding, and I’ve never been more free.”

Aside from her competitive efforts in snowboarding, Clark founded The Kelly Clark Foundation in 2010 to foster youth snowboarding.

The Foundation realizes that the key to success starts with the opportunity to follow your dreams and they aim to give every child the opportunity to make his or her dream a reality.

Life Is Ministry

Your job does not fully define you. You are more than your career. All of your life is ministry, just like Kelly Clark’s young legacy is expressed through Snowboarding.

You have many gifts and God uses them all in the course of living your life each and every day.

If you catch Kelly soaring into the sky competing for her 5th Olympic medal in Pyeongchang, think of the high calling of your present life in Christ.

Women’s halfpipe is scheduled for broadcast on Tuesday, February 13, 6PM MST.

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