Goals For Home Based Businesses

home based businesses

A Christian should define success for home based businesses differently than the world does.

While secular business defines success as being profitable and meeting the owners goals, Christian based businesses add a Kingdom perspective. In addition to being profitable, a Christian business owner should reveal Christ as a result of how they choose how to become an entrepreneur.

These are some basic goals that we encourage any home based business to meet in terms of being a Christian witness through your business.

1. Reveal Christ in Your Business Practice

How do we reveal Christ to the world? Christ is revealed by love. Love is revealed by sacrifice. This may mean losing business or a customer because you refuse to compromise your integrity. It may mean losing business because you chose to not work on Sundays.

As you suffer for your decisions to honor God in all you do in your business and choose to love those who may persecute you… you are revealing Christ to them.

2. Be Accountable

When you work at home there is no one to answer to. You are your own boss. This is why you looked at Christian business opportunities in the first place. However it does not excuse you from being accountable.

You have to find a way to stay humble, transparent and open to correction. It may be an accountability group you set up or maybe a Board of Directors that include outside people with no vested interest in your business… more than just “yes men”.

3. Treat Your Customers Fairly

When you are starting a Christian business every sale is critical. It is tempting to make a sale at any cost… even if it’s not in the best interest of the customer. Remember that you are to think of others more highly than yourself.

Long term this will pay great dividends. Your customers will come to appreciate your honesty and they will trust you. Trust is vital not only to win good customers but to win souls.

Trusting relationships open the door to share your faith. People are more likely to respond because they see your faith in action.

4. Promise Less and Deliver More

Another way to say this is to offer a quality product at a fair price. You may remember that the Lord doesn’t look too kindly on unjust scales.

Avoid the temptation to oversell your product or service. State what is true and then let your customer be surprised that you have over delivered.

Many home business ideas have great benefits for others. Focus on what your business can contribute to benefit society.

Home based businesses built on these foundation stones will fulfill your responsibility to let your light shine. You will be salt in the bland world of business where everyone else is out for themselves.

It does come with a cost. Understand this ahead of time so you can endure the temptations or hardships when they arise… prepared to let the Holy Spirit produce His fruit in your life.

Then the world will see Christ in you… the hope of glory.

Home Business Ideas for Newbies Website

If you are a “newbie” looking for proven home business ideas, then this website is for you. It reviews a range of work from home opportunities and gives you tips and advice on how to get started.

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