Fail Your Way To Success

fail your way to success

“For I am the LORD, I do not change;” (Malachi 3:6)

How Do I Live A Perfect Life?

With all the resolutions to change for the better this year, I am reminded that there is One who does not change. The LORD.

He is my standard, my plumb line, my example. He’s a tough act to follow… and I will fail.

The Great Exchange

I remember when our computer hard drive failed… I had been putting off making changes that were inevitable.

None of our files were backed up. Not good. But it initiated change for the better. It “forced” me to take action I did not take beforehand.

Exchanging a PC for a MAC meant changing some things and stretching myself once again to learn and grow. There was even some pain involved. But things are now far better than before!

Fail Your Way To Success

When you have a “failure” in life and crash hard, sometimes you cannot restore everything you would like back to the way it was. But you can take action that will make things better than before!

You can grow. You can change. You already have everything you need through your life in Christ. God enabled you to exchange your old life for a new life in Christ through the Cross.

That business opportunity you need to look at, that job you need to change, that lifestyle you need to leave behind… whatever.

What It Takes

Some of you are like me. The change you know you need to make doesn’t seem to happen until your “hard drive” crashes. Whoever said being human was easy, even for Christians?

Especially when “trying” to live the “Christian” life.

My friend, if you haven’t figured it out yet, you most certainly will… no one is able to live the perfect Christian life. No one expect Jesus! That’s why we are crucified with Christ in exchange for Jesus living in us and through us.

Have you come to the end of yourself so you will…

Let Him Live His Life!

This is why our failures can lead us to experience abundant life. Failure can help us see God’s way to live the Christian life.

The Lord does not fail. He is patient. He is doing a work in you. Embrace the opportunities life gives you to see Christ live in you. Take action… face fear.

Trust that He always has your best interests at heart. He does!

This is one thing about the Lord that never changes… His love for you. With this foundation, we can be transformed into His image!

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