Your Salvation Story Challenge

your salvation storyYour salvation story has the power to transform someones life. In fact, your story can literally be the difference between someone rejecting or accepting the Good News and receiving the gift of eternal life in Christ.

Your salvation story is the evidence of things people cannot see. Your story shows the reality of what people hope for. God never asked people to accept Him on “blind faith”. He provides visible reality on which faith in an invisible God can be based. And that evidence is you!

This is why it is important for you to be able to share your salvation story in a minutes time. You need to be prepared because there will be “divine appointments” for you if you are ready for them.

…and if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. (I Peter 3:15)

How To Craft Your 1 Minute Salvation Story

See Real Examples

Answer these questions

  1. Who are you?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. What do you do?
  4. What was going on in your life before Christ?
  5. What brought you to the cross?
  6. What are the results so far?
  7. Show gratitude.

The first three questions let people connect with you. Similar to breaking the ice.

Who are you?
This is as simple as stating your name
Example- I’m Scott

Where are you from?
Again, simple as sharing where you live.
Example- I’m from Tetonia, Idaho.

What do you do?
Let people know what you do for a living.
Example- I’m a minister and an entrepreneur.

What was going on in your life before Christ?
Share the circumstances you were in and the pain points you were experiencing.
Example- I was always very shy and insecure. As a teenager my friends introduced me to liquid courage (beer). By the time I was in college I was out of control and ended up in a hospital bed from driving drunk. When I realized I wasn’t blind, I knew there must be a “god”.

What brought you to the cross?
How did you come to know the only true God and his son Jesus Christ?
Share what events surrounded your “born again” or “got saved” experience.
Example- I started to read the bible I was given in Sunday School and I was captivated by Jesus. I couldn’t shake the party spirit and felt like life had no purpose. With Sunday morning hangovers I watched Rex Hubbard on TV. I heard him say, “God loves you and has a plan for your life.” I realized that God showed His love by giving His Son to die for me. I confessed with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and believed in my heart that God raised Him from the dead.

What are the results so far?
Explain what has happened in your life since being born again.
Example- I was changed on the inside and over time I left my addictions behind. I was less selfish and more giving. I served in my local church cleaning toilets and eventually becoming the pastor. I’ve started several businesses and currently train others to be engaged in Marketplace Ministry.

Show gratitude
Example- I’ll be forever grateful for the grace of God in my life.

Write Your Story

Your first draft is most likely going to be over one minute. That’s OK.

The real challenge is to get it down to 1 minute and then to practice until it becomes second nature. Your 1 minute salvation story will be about 200 words in length.

It’s all about being prepared.

By honing it down to 1 minute, you’ll be prepared for every opportunity you’re given to share the hope you have. In many cases you’ll have more than 1 minute to share.

Let Your Salvation Story Encourage Others

The final part of your salvation story challenge is to post it on this page to be an encouragement to others.

Marketplace Ministry Story

You can use the same method to create your Marketplace Ministry Story. Only this time focus on how you began to realize that your work is your ministry.

Who are you?
This is as simple as stating your name.
Example- I’m Scott

Where are you from?
Again, simple as sharing where you live.
Example- I’m from Tetonia, Idaho.

What do you do?
Let people know what you do for a living.
Example- I’m a minister and an entrepreneur.

What was going on in your life before Marketplace Ministry?
Share the circumstances you were in and the pain points you were experiencing.
Example- I had a job I hated that was just a means to an end. I was angry at God because I just wanted to be in full time ministry. Any money I made just seemed to fall through holes in my pocket. I was extremely frustrated with my life.

What brought you realize that your work is your God ordained ministry?
How did you come to surrender to God’s will for your life?
Share what events surrounded your conviction about your vocation and daily work experience?
Example- Things came to a head during the most stressful time of the year. I was burned out physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I could barely get through the day and would ofter cry out to God for answers. Then one day I had to pulled over to the side of the road and curled up in a fetal position. I wanted to die or be raptured. It was then that I realized I needed to surrender to God’s will for my life. When I did, my job became my ministry.

What are the results so far?
Explain what has happened in your life since your work became your ministry.
Example- Even though my job and circumstances did not change, my attitude did. Now I experienced Christ living in me and found opportunities to minister to people on the job. In just a few short weeks I was asked to be the interim pastor for our church and was able to quit my job and pastor full time.

Show gratitude
Example- I’ll be forever grateful for seeing that all of life is ministry, especially my work.

Post your salvation story or Marketplace Ministry story below.

» Your Salvation Story Challenge

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11 thoughts on “Your Salvation Story Challenge

  1. Odion Omokhodion says:

    I was introduced to the church at the age of ten after I lost my mum, it was like all hope was lost for me. But in church according to what I was thought by my brother and the church leaders about the benefits of working for God, I was committed physically like doing work like sweeping, as a technician and anyways work is called. I was just being there like Church boy not yet gotten personal encounter with Jesus, I was a good natural, obedient, trying to please man kind of a christian, Untill 1999 at our church annual youth convention, that was the day I had a personal experience with Jesus. the experience has been so wonderful. Thanks. My name is Odion Omokhodion, I am from Abuja Nigeria, I am presently working as a technician at a government organization.

    Thank you for sharing you testimony. God is good! This will be a great encouragement to many!
    Love Never Fails,
    You Brother in Christ, Scott

  2. jackie lukama says:

    My name is Jackie lukama and I live in Zambia. I am a pastor and I have discovered a drink made from roselle and honey which I want to put up a plant. Iam a business consultant as well as a reasercher. I became born again in 1991 and since then I have been a faithful believer and serving G OD in the church. though I have been a christian this long my wrestle to success has been continuos both in ministry and business. I read the Bible through many times and discovered a God who is much more than I had thought He was. He wants to have a personal relationship with us and be involved in every detail of my live and more importantly He wants us to want that too.
    I describe my life as from a suicide rope to the pulpit because I remember when things got tough in my life one day in 2012 even when I was doing the work of GOD EVEN MY WIFE ROSE AGAINST ME.through this scenery I learnt that God was moving me out of the trust for man to completely trust him. And of course there’s that afterlife thing that we all need to think about but I’ve got that covered too. It would be more accurate to say it’s the beginning of life.
    Two months I started getting mentorship from brother scot also my life is taking a new step in my business

    • dsprindle says:

      Jackie, thank you for sharing how the Lord rescued you. It is a very inspiring story. Hopefully you will see your wife come alongside. We pray you will continue to develop your marketplace ministry skills as you learn and take action.

      Love Never Fails,
      Scott & Laurie

  3. Edna Davidsen says:

    I’m Edna Davidsen, from the Philippines, but I’ve lived in Greenland since 2012 with my husband from the Faroe Islands. I am a Christian Affiliate Marketer. That means I write blog posts with affiliate links. I prefer to use the term Christian Affiliate Marketer instead of Christian blogger because I’m not shy about making money from my website and I wish to set an example how to write long-form, non-pitching blog posts.

    I’ve known Jesus and the Christian faith all my life. It’s therefore difficult for me to imagine what life as a non-believer would be like because I’ve never tried it.

    I’ve had my ups and downs like everyone else. By being a Christian, I’ve been able to cope with what I’ve met on my journey with greater gratitude and what I love most about being a Christian is not an afterlife (although that’s great). It is in the Christian tradition, especially the early Christians, Martin Luther etc. that give me a mindset that helps me deal with life in modern culture.

    I would not trade the Christian faith for anything.

    I appreciate the work Scott and Laurie do here; they are two of many Christians I’ve met in the Christian community who serve the Lord online.

    God bless you all.
    Edna Davidsen

    • dsprindle says:

      Edna, we love your story. Praise God you did not have to experience life without Christ. Stories like yours are the best testimonies.

      We do business and ministry in the Philippines and love the people there. They a very gracious and honoring.

      Greenland! I’m sure that’s another great story… how you met your husband and what it’s like living there.

      Thanks again for sharing!

      ><>Scott & Laurie

  4. Daniel W. says:

    I do Landscape Architecture & Planning for a small company.

    I grew up in church with Christian parents and a knowledge of the Bible, Jesus, and so on. Pretty much the worst things I had done before accepting Jesus as my Savior were fighting with my brother and disobeying my parents.

    When I was about 8 years old, I was awake in bed one night thinking about heaven and hell. I knew I didn’t want to go to hell, so I prayed to Jesus to save me from my sins and take me to heaven when I died. After talking about this with my parents and my pastor, I was baptized. From that point on I knew I was going to heaven if I died, but was not very consistent in living a life that pleased God.

    In high school and college I really struggled with sexual sin as a single guy, always in secret and never having consistent victory. At a retreat my last year of college, God finally broke through to me with an understanding of grace, of realizing that because of the cross, God loves me no matter what I do.

    This has been really freeing and the Holy Spirit has given me strength to walk a holy life before God, not out of a sense of duty, but out of gratitude and love for what He has done in my life. Now I see God using me for His glory as I walk in relationship with Christ.

    He has also blessed me with the most wonderful wife and we are excited to serve God together here and wherever He may take us in the future.

    • dsprindle says:

      Hi Daniel,

      What a great testimony to the power of God to transform us into His image. His grace is sufficient.

      I (Scott) understand the battle with sexual temptation. It is one of the things God has delivered me from also. There is a book titled “Every Man’s Battle”. I think that says it all.

      We will pray for your continued victory and greater intimacy in your marriage. We know God will use you mightily to set others free as well.

      There is a book we would recommend to you and other men who want to walk in sexual purity called “Pure Desire”, by Ted Roberts. The Lord has used this to really help Scott and other men he pastors walk in freedom. carries this and has a great price on it.

      God bless you as you serve Him in your Landscape Architecture & Planning business.

      Love Never Fails,
      Scott & Laurie

  5. Sonny Butler says:

    My name is Sonny Butler and I live in Driggs, Idaho. I am a plumber and avid outdoors man. I was raised in the church but was not of the church. I rebelled as a teenager and went my own way for what I thought was freedom.

    I wrestled with my conscience for years because I knew for a fact that God was real and I didn’t have real peace that lasted. It took a diagnosis of cancer to give me a reality check but it also brought a peace because the conscience game was over.

    I read the Bible through for the first time and many other books and Christian T.V. and discovered a God who was much more than I had thought He was. He wants to have a personal relationship with us and be involved in every detail in our lives and more importantly He wants us to want that too.

    I was healed of cancer against all medical odds along with numerous complications along the way. I can’t imagine going through what I went through without Him, not to mention that I wouldn’t have survived, but I wouldn’t want to live a “normal” life without Him either.

    And of course there’s that afterlife thing that we all need to think about but I’ve got that covered too. It would be more accurate to say it’s the beginning of life.

    • dsprindle says:

      Hi Sonny,

      Praise God for your healing from Cancer! What a wonderful testimony. We’re sure that even in the plumbing business there must be many opportunities to share your story with others.

      You are a walking testimony of God’s grace and mercy. We pray for your continued health and that God would prosper you in your business.

      All our best,
      Scott & Laurie

  6. Bethany Johnson says:

    I’m Bethany Johnson from Washington DC. I’m a Freelance content creator. Before coming to know Christ I was running fast but getting nowhere. My drug of choice was the approval of others, and for most of the time, it did the job of filling the hole in my heart.

    However, there were moments when I couldn’t stand my own company and instead had to surround myself once again with people who would praise me and fill the silence with noise. I looked great but knew I was a mess.

    I grew up in a Christian home but Christ was never [MINE]. After a few years of running to the bar scene and various “friends” for temporary fulfillment, I finally gave my future up to Jesus.

    It was funny because I was actually in the middle of my drive Out West from the East Coast when I realized, “Why am I moving West again? Why do I do [ANYTHING], really?” and I had no good answer for myself. So I gave it up to God in exasperation. “I’m done,” I said out loud in my car, “This life is yours now. I quit.” It was a spiritual suicide, and now I do that on a regular basis.

    People think I’m odd now. “Here she goes again,” they say when I begin vocalizing my faith. Honestly, I must also say that trials are more difficult because I know that I have a higher calling now. So things are much more painful, they really are — because I’m a part of a global movement and an intimate relationship at the same time.

    I’m much more aware of [EVERYTHING], nature, the spirits of my friends, the wars in the Middle East, the pain of those “stuck in a rut,” and even a new awareness of my own body and health.

    But I wouldn’t trade this pain for anything because I know that I have an important part to play and I don’t want to compromise the universal Truth that there [MUST] be more going on here than what we can see. There simply [HAS] to. How intoxicating.

    • dsprindle says:

      Hi Bethany,

      Thanks for sharing your story with us. Yes, it is wonderful to have your eyes open to Jesus and the Kingdom of God. You will be used by God to make a difference for others.

      In business, your vocation or calling, it is vital to understand that God wants to use you in your work. There will be many opportunities for you to be a blessing to others.

      And for you it sounds like there will be many opportunities as you enjoy the outdoors… even while soaking in hot springs!

      God Bless You,
      Scott & Laurie