I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14)
Reaching Your Goals And Dreams
When I was a young boy I wanted to become a great skier. I loved everything about skiing. The snow, the challenge, the risk, overcoming fear, and of course… the positive feedback from others. So skiing became my primary focus in life for the next twenty years.
Ski racing became the central activity for me becoming a great skier. I set some goals along the way… high school Ski Meister, college championship, winning a major ski race, etc.
Then came the challenges… a lack of natural talent, finances, injuries, and the competition. There were a lot of guys who had more natural ability than myself.
The common denominator in reaching goals and dreams I had was learning how to focus. Focus is more than just intense concentration for the minute or two it takes to get through a race course. It includes everything else needed to become the best you can be.
For myself, that meant being focused on training, equipment, health, schedules, diet, and many other things. This is the big picture involved in reaching goals and dreams and seeing them come to pass.
How do you get and stay focused? Here is the clear-cut, 3D Vision you need to see your way to reaching goals and dreams you have.
?️?️ Discover Your Passion
What is the most urgent, most important pursuit in your life?
Let go of nice things that don’t matter so you can do the one thing that does. Prioritize you energy (time & resources) so you can focus on what makes you tick.
?️?️ Discern Your Distractions
What things cherished (good & bad) keep you from pressing towards your goals. Be willing to leave them behind. Focus in on the goal by getting rid of the distractions.
?️?️ Determine Your Devotion
What will you give to get what you want? The apostle Paul gave anything it took: his freedom, his reputation, his life. He was devoted to Christ and following His example.
Jesus is focused. He was and is 100% devoted to you. He loved you all the way to and through the cross so you can reach the prize of your upward call of God in Christ.
Reaching goals and dreams requires overcoming many challenges. You were created for this purpose. Christ lives in you. He is the grace and power needed to focus on whatever it will take to reach your goals and dreams.
For some goals for your home based business, this page has some good guidelines for Christians.
Love the statements “Discover Your Passions” and “Discern Your Distractions”. Often our passions are hindered by our distractions. Great message.
Thanks Melissa. A lot of people have a hard time defining their passion or answering the question, “If you could do anything, what would it be?”.
Thank you for this encouraging post! I have never skied down a hill and probably never will lol. Just thinking about it scares me! I do hear your heart about being willing to focus and invest in our goals and dreams. Thank you again! ?
Donna, you’re never too old to start! Hopefully there are some takeaways that will help you reach you dreams!
Hi Scott,
Skiing, interesting.
People do also enjoy skiing here in South Greenland during the wintertime, but I’m not into it.
This was an interesting read about the standard denominators regarding reaching goals and dreams.
I like your thoughts in this post about ‘focus’.
It is as you say, much more than just being concentrated for a few minutes.
There’ll always be days where we feel under the weather; that where the passion will help us.
I love the principle of Woody Alan, where he says the most important thing is just to show up every day.
That has been a trick that has helped me a lot to get things done.
Thank you for this short but vital reminder of how to succeed in life.
God bless,
Edna Davidsen
