MLM Network Marketing Lead

MLM Network Marketing LeadUntil a MLM Network Marketing lead becomes more than just a name on your list, it will stay just a name on your list!

In other words, that lead never becomes a real person to you… someone who turns into a customer or distributor in your organization.

I remember the day God became more than just a word to me. It was the day I woke up in a hospital bed with my head bandaged up as a result of crashing my mom’s Ford Pinto into a telephone pole.

When I came to, the only thing that mattered was whether or not I was blind. I crawled into the bathroom, tore back the bandages and pried open my swollen eyes. Yes! I could see my blurred reflection in the mirror and said my first prayer. “Thank your God!”

The fact that I didn’t have a clue who or what God was didn’t matter! I knew God was real. From that point on I wanted to know God. As I discovered more of who God revealed himself to be, there was a deepening relationship between us.

Finally I had the revelation that Jesus Christ is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead. I’ve known God personally ever since, growing more intimate in our relationship, as a son to a Father.

I share this part of my testimony to make a point. Unless you have a way to develop a relationship with a MLM Network Marketing lead on your list, what’s the point? Network Marketing lead generation is a combination of building a list and…

Building a relationship with every MLM multi level marketing lead on your list.

A List Of Names Is Worth Nothing!

Here’s a little Network Marketing tip.

A list of people who have an opportunity to get to know and trust you can be worth thousands of dollars to you.

When we take this out of the realm of strictly business, some of these people will become friends for life, and some you will introduce to Jesus for eternity.

So how do you build a relationship with the people who make up your list?

How is a MLM Network Marketing lead transformed into a person who trusts you to lead them and help them build a successful Network Marketing business?


7 Essential Communication Steps

1. eMail Auto-Responders

2. eZine Subscriptions

3. Conference Calls

4. Video/Internet Training

5. Live Conferences

6. Personal Phone Calls

7. Face to Face Meetings

Find Your Leaders

You need systematic methods to communicate your message to everyone on your list. Most of it should be automated in a way that identifies those who are most interested in following you. These are the people you will personally contact and work with.

The others will continue to develop along these lines or simply lose interest. That’s OK. You are looking for the sales lead for Network Marketing that will become a leader in your organization. These are the people you will invest a lot of time and emotional energy with as you help them build their organization.

To give you an idea of what can happen when you find just three leaders who you teach to find three leaders, look at the diagram below. Apply this to a good compensation plan and your hard work over time earns a sizable residual income.


Treat each MLM Network Marketing lead with equal respect as a person in your communication efforts, but as cream rises to the top, so will the future leaders of your Network Marketing group.

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