Filtered ISP: Why Every Christian Must Have It

filtered sipIsn’t it arrogant for us to say that filtered ISP (Internet Service Provider) is a must for every Christian?

We admit it sounds like we are trying to impose our will on others. This is not our motive. Christian Business Opportunities recognizes that we have no authority to tell people what they must do.

There are also Christians who believe ISP filters like  
Covenant Eyes
are just a band aid that keep people from dealing with the real issue of their heart.

Biblically we understand that God desires us to flee sexual immorality. In the world we live in today, anyone using the Internet is at risk of exposure to sexual content which can lead to sexual sin.

This is our basis for saying that every Christian must have protection. We really have your best interests at heart.

Put Away Sexual Immorality

Maybe you already struggle with sexual temptation… looking at pornographic images or other sensual content. You already know why you need to take measures to protect yourself from temptation online.

Perhaps you do not struggle in this area. When porn comes up on your screen you simply click out. No big deal. That’s great. You honor God every time you reject this profane material.

Because of your good reputation and the example you set for others you may find you have some enemies down the road.

There are those who may not appreciate your stand for morality… those who would even try to slander you using images found on your computer hard drive.

Did you know that all images are stored on your computer? Even ones that come as spam or through viruses?

How would you defend yourself? In today’s culture your hard earned reputation would be tarnished from then on… no matter what the truth is.

Protect Your Loved Ones

Not worried about your reputation? God knows the truth about you? Very noble… but what about the people around you? How would it affect their lives?

What about your family, your spouse, your children? Is it a risk worth taking for their sakes?

The Bible tells us to avoid even the appearance of evil. In other words… keep away from it.

How do you do that using the internet if you do not have filtered ISP? The truth is you don’t. It’s there.

Even with good filtering software there are still some things that get through.
But you are doing your best to eliminate as much as possible to protect the people you love and care about by having good software installed.

Picking Up Your Cross

This is one reason we chose to use Site Build It! (SBI) to build our christian-business-opportunities web site. They will not tolerate any pornographic material on SBI sites.

You are sacrificing some of your personal freedom to stand for what is right. This is what it means to be Christian… someone willing to pay whatever cost to be a true follower of Jesus Christ.

This is why we say so strongly that every Christian must have filtered ISP protection that software like Covenant Eyes provides. In today’s world it becomes part of your testimony.

Tell us what you think. Should Christians use filtering or accountability software?


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