Are You Called To Marketplace Ministry?
3 Questions To Find Out If You Are…
#1 Do you believe you have a role in fulfilling the Great Commission?
Just before Jesus ascended into heaven He said something like this:
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
There are many ways to participate in what has become known as the Great Commission. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ and have been born again by the Holy Spirit, then the Great Commission is part of your Christian DNA.
You may be called to Marketplace Ministry if you have a strong conviction that the Great Commission is something that applies to you.
#2 Do you believe every Christian has a ministry?
Another way to ask this is, do you believe that ministry is just for people that are called to pastor, preach, or teach the Body of Christ? Or perhaps for those called to the mission field? People who think this way see a separation between clergy and laity.
People who believe that ministry is for every Christian tend to see all of life as ministry. They do not see a separation between clergy and laity as far as ministry is concerned.
#3 Do you understand that your work is your ministry?
Your work becomes your ministry when God synchronizes your life purpose to your vocation. It is common for those who are called to Marketplace Ministry to have a revelation from God’s word or a conviction of the Holy Spirit.
It is when you come to the end of yourself and accept that your work is God’s will for your life. This is any work… raising kids, homeschooling, careers, corporate jobs, self-employed, entrepreneurs.
You minister to the people that surround you on any given moment. Your children, spouse, co-workers, clients, customers, and fellow students.
This doesn’t mean things will never change. If you are faithful with what God has you presently working at, He is likely to promote you to even greater things.
It may be that you don’t enjoy your current work. Maybe you would say that you “hate” your job. This is probably the Lord giving you an opportunity to surrender to His will for your life.
When you do, your attitude toward your job will change. You will look for opportunities to minister to others and glorify God.
Facebook Live Marketplace Ministry Training
Join us for our next Facebook Live Marketplace Ministry Training. We cover topics like:
- Working from your true identity
- Creating biblical business structures
- Develop a victorious endgame attitude
- Clear thinking about your relationships
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Marketplace Ministry Advances The Kingdom Of God
cbo believes that no kingdom-minded Christian ministry is complete without placing due emphasis on Marketplace Ministry.
You use the skills and talents God gave you to bring God’s character into the marketplace. You are the vendors, product suppliers and service providers that do business in such a way that glorifies GOD.
This does not mean you “preach” to all your clients, customers and co-workers; but rather that you show the love and character of our God while doing business!
You can make a much greater impact through continuous infiltration into the economic systems of this world than you can by furthering an “us and them” mentality that many (too many) Christians live by.
Let’s look at what marketplace ministry is, and what it is not…. We’ll start with what it is not:
Marketplace Ministry does NOT mean that…
- You do not intend to make a profit in your business
- You plan to only do business with other “Christian” businesses
- You must give other Christians “the hook-up”
- You must explicitly share Christ with every customer/client
- Your business products/services must cater to the “Christian” community
- You ostracize yourself from non-believers with whom you work
- You treat your workplace like a preaching engagement
- You avoid the ‘greed’ of corporate America by choosing not to work there, believing you’re only supposed to have a “church job” or a “ministry job”, or a “kingdom job”
Marketplace Ministry DOES mean that…
- You perform your work with the highest level of integrity and justice
- Your quest for profit and wealth is inherently moral and closely tied to who you are (who GOD created you to be)
- Your place of business and employment has a praying believer bringing the culture of God’s heavenly kingdom – Thy kingdom come – to that earthly territory
- You produce a quality product and give the best possible customer service to your customers and clients
- You pay your debts and proper taxes as required by earthly governmental authorities
- You have no qualms about tithing from your increase into a your local church
- You, as lead by the Holy Spirit, may sometimes need to carry out ‘pastoral care’ type ministry to co-workers and customers when needed (but without going overboard with it)
- You plant small seeds of kingdom principals when the opportunity arises
- You are the ‘resident intercessor’ over your place of business
- Your spiritual ears are forever open to hear the mind of God concerning your place of business
Can you see how valuable, marketplace ministry can be? Our weekly Facebook Live Training encourages, equips, and empowers you for your Marketplace Ministry. Join us.
Facebook Live Marketplace Ministry Training
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